7 Foods That Trigger Depression
Depression is the state of a person’s mood, characterized by aversion to activity and low moods. It can affect a person’s thoughts, actions, and behavior, which affects their well being. People with depression can feel sadness and hopelessness and can sometimes experience suicidal thoughts. It can occur due to some emotional trauma, physical diseases, and side effects of drugs. It cannot be cured through a diet, but certain foods can help elevate one’s mood. Similarly, there are certain foods products that can worsen symptoms of depression. These food items must be avoided to control it and improve mental health.
Here are some foods that can worsen the condition:
Fruit juice
- Fruit juices are the versions of fruits without the fiber content in them. The fiber allows your blood to absorb the energy slowly.
- Without the fiber, you’re drinking nutritious sugar water where the energy is absorbed way too quickly.
- This can hype you up and let you down just the same. This can worsen the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- This sugary, blood spiking liquid has zero nutritional value and a lot of bad qualities.
- Sweetened drinks like soda have a direct link with worsening the symptoms of depression.
- Avoid sodas and caffeinated drinks if you are under depression.
Refined flour
- Food items made out of refined flour can do no good for people with depression and anxiety.
- This processed white flour turns into blood sugar after ingestion, causing energy spikes and crashes, which further affects depression.
- You can use whole wheat or multigrain flour to replace refined white flour.
Sugar-free products
- Unfortunately, in most of the sugar-free products, an artificial sweetener called “aspartame” is used.
- Aspartame is an ingredient directly related to depression and can worsen the condition.
- Check the ingredients for this sweetener before buying or make your own food at home, which is always much safer.
- Although ketchup is filled with the goodness of tomatoes, it contains way more sugar than you should consume, especially if you’re under depression.
- Four grams per tablespoon of ketchup is sugar, which is enough to worsen your symptoms.
- Try making tomato salsa at home instead of making a healthy version of the very unhealthy product – ketchup.
- Contrary to a strong assumption that alcohol is great to take the depression away, it worsens the condition.
- It can mess up your sleep and cause anxiety.
- Choose to have not more than one drink a day.
Trans fat
- If you thought sugar was bad, meet its equally dangerous rival – trans fat.
- Trans fat, also called partially hydrogenated oils, is present in frosting, fried foods, pizza dough, cakes, crackers, and cookies.
- Trans fat is directly linked to depression.
- If you want to add fats to your diet, make it healthy. Opt for foods that can uplift your mood. You can include fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado, among others, in your diet.