Safe and Affordable Human Foods for Cats
Sometimes cat owners want to feed their cats something different then canned cat food. While cats can eat human food, it can be really dangerous to them. If you feed your cat the wrong human foods, it can cause pet obesity, allergies and other illnesses including toxicity. You have to be extremely careful with what foods your cat can and can’t eat. Although these foods are considered safe for cats:
1. Skinless chicken
Skinless chicken is one of the human foods your cat can be fed without causing it symptoms of feline toxicity. Skinless chicken works great because it’s an animal product and experts say that cat food should be primarily made from animal products. Keep in mind that you can’t use skinless chicken to feed your cat every day, but it will be a nice way to switch things up for your feline companion once in a while. Also, make sure the chicken is free of any kind of seasonings or oils so it doesn’t upset your cat’s stomach.
2. Eggs
Eggs are an excellent source of protein and amino acids for any cat. They should be fed to your cat in tiny amounts. It’s important to note that any eggs you feed to your cat need to be cooked. Otherwise, it could be really harmful to their health. Some different kinds of eggs you can try to feed your cat are poached, scrambled and hard boiled.
3. Fish
You can feed your cat fish, but under very close supervision. Just like eggs, fish needs to be cooked before it can be considered safe for your cat’s consumption. Raw fish contains dangerous and harmful pathogens that can cause your cat to fall sick. Also, make sure to feed your cat fish in moderate amounts. It should not be a food source that your cat eats daily.
4. Cucumber
If your cat likes veggies, there is a chance that it might like eating cucumbers. Not all cats enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, but some really do. The best thing about feeding your cat cucumbers is that they are packed with nutrients. A slice of cucumber will provide your cat with an extra amount of vitamin K to get them through their day. It’s important to note that even though cucumbers are healthy, they must be fed to your cat in moderation like any other human food. A slice of cucumber every once in a while can be really beneficial to your cat’s health. Just make sure not to make it an everyday thing.
5. Broccoli
Broccoli can complete your cat’s balanced diet if it likes to eat this vegetable. Steamed broccoli tends to be the most popular way to pursue this route because your cat will be more likely to eat it. Researchers consider broccoli a super food for cats, just like it is for humans. However, just like with any other food on this list, it’s important to make sure your cat doesn’t eat it too often. Serving your feline companion broccoli every once in a while is a great way to introduce some green vegetables into their diet.